Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pages 115-184


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Pages 115-184

    In the following pages, we see the building and ultimately coming together of a team.

    It begins with the group falling back into their same ole routine. Then situations begin to arise that ultimately creates a unified team. A review of some of those situations are as follows:
    -An opportunity to purchase a company
    -JR quits
    -Team shuffles responsibilities and
    absorbs the void
    -A leak from meetings prompts Kathryn
    to challenge them as to which team is
    -Departments are called out and
    challenged about different issues
    -Mickey is fired for not being a team
    -Kathryn gives the example of Fred
    (Tolerance detrimental to the team)
    -Team is reassessed from the model
    -Buy-out proposal is presented
    -Team is united on all fronts to push
    on and see things through

    Each situation results in the team becoming closer and closer, and of course ending with a united team determined to succeed.

    An underlying theme throughout all of the situations was healthy conflict. What is your opinion about directly challenging each other on issues related to our departments? Should we? Can we? Are we there yet, or do we just leave this to Mr. Collins?

  3. @ Jeff - great review and questions.
    One of the main reasons teams accept the status quo and fail to move forward and achieve success is a fear of conflict. They would rather accept mediocrity rather than deal with the conflict of holding someone accountable for their actions. Healthy conflict is an important component of an effective organization.
    Holding each other accountable, directly challenging each other on issues related to our departments is part of this structure. At times we can feel isolated in our own worlds but we must know we are all on the same team. The collaborative goal is the education of our students and all that comes with it including academics, athletics, extracurricular activities, development, admissions et al. While we each have specific areas to direct,the focus should always be the relationship that exists between our area and the overall product.
    This process is enhanced when there is an environment of trust and respect. We have that environment in place we just need to be continually engaged in the process.
    A more succinct answer to your three questions:
    Should we? Definitely.
    Can we? Hopefully.
    Are we there yet, or do we just leave this to Mr. Collins? Collaboration is the ultimate key to our success.

  4. The three questions really go to the heart of the book and how we apply its principles. Even though our duties are very specific and could lend itself to isolation, and at times probably does create isolation, our "company" goal is student successes. Success will only come if we function together, because our families won't be satisfied with success in only one area for their children. For example, if academics and athletics are successful but finance and admissions are not, then, in the long run, we fail because of money issues and not having "enough" new students. We will only be successful if all areas are successful. I say all of that to emphasis that we all must take responsibility for our entire success and to do that we must address topics. Most of us would say we should challenge each other, but have we? Also, how should we?
